Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nya livet i Stockholm

Hey all!
Okay, I've decided to make a blog so that I can ramble on about Stockholm and put pictures up instead of emailing people. Because I am lazy.

I've been here for just over a week and it's been just grand! The family are so lovely and welcoming, they make it so easy to live and work with them, especially since I'm living in the same house I never expected it to be so easy! The boys are really sweet and VERY tidy for their age... they make me want to be more tidy, so far I'm managing.. just. The parents are also really nice, Katie is very easy to chat to and Eddy is funny. Also, as their English it's a lot easier to comunicate... and complain about sick Swedish prices.
I couldn't get a good picture of my new home, because the snow in the garden is too deep, but it's a lovely and huuge house, just like all the others in this area! They are all mansions..
The first weekend I spent a lot of time with the family getting to know them and their routines, and we went ice skating at a rink just on near our house. I had a blast and didn't fall down woooo! I did fall at least 3 times on our drive though which is basically an ice rink itself.. Then we went food shopping so I could tell her what kind of things I like to eat... lots of tins of tuna for me :)

The next few days I spent just getting to know the family, going into town and meeting Sabrina :) I was shown the way to the boys school and the whole week Ive been taking them back and forth without getting lost! I've taken to walking there which takes about 20 minutes, then get the bus back with the boys. Living here involves a lot of walking since it takes 20 minutes to get to the subway, so I'll be burning off the awesome Swedish cakes!

The nearest shops to me are in Inverness... nothing changes.

Only downside it I can't make it to any Swedish classes but I have my Swedish books, my Swedish speaking friends and a basic knowledge of the language. So now I have to just force people to speak Swedish to me, a big problem since Swedish people LOVE speaking English ;) Makes my life easy though....

This weekend plans include more fika's (meeting people for coffee/cakes etc), taking pictures of bus stops and the cinema to see Mr J Depp.

I'll get as many pictures up as possible soon :)

Fiona xx

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