Friday, January 21, 2011

Week number 2

Ahhh this week has been tiring! Last night I was in bed by half 9 and slept like a baby. I'm turning into mum...
I'm trying to take pictures of pretty Sweden, but it aint so pretty at the mo, Jack Frost can't make up his mind so one minute its a toasty (I've started using this word a lot lately, mainly because Swedes have never heard of it..) -1°C and the next all the huge puddles of water and slush are frozen solid so the world is slippery again.

It's also tad scary when you look up at the roofs and here are huge slabs of ice ready to fall onto your heeed. So you see a lot of pavements cornered off, then a whistle blows and then people on the roof chuck off the slabs. I'm always convinced Ill walk underneath and not pay attention. There were some huge ones (about a foot thick) hanging from our roofs just where we walk past the house. So scary! Their down now, and I can tell ye' you'd be a changed guy if those bad boys hit ya on the noggin.
My walk to the subway, at laaast there is a pavement to use! Since I arrived here I've been slipping and sliding my way along like a baby deer learning to walk, but in less graceful or cute manner.

Today I went to get the forms for my Sweden residency and personal number which would also mean I get free Swedish lessons. Tomorrow I'm meeting Sab to help me with the Swedish form though... Seems a bit silly to not have a translation since their offering free Swedish lessons.... which I'm presuming means most immigrants don't know a word of Swedish... nej?

Still getting used to Swedish life again, like the fact that Swede's mainly stick to themselves more than Scot's tend to. Once you get to know them their (usually) awesome, but it's pretty hard to get to know people as they aren't so "open" at first.. but I'm not missing some of the crazies you get coming up to you in Glasgow or Edinburgh. It's nice not think you could be stabbed with a bottle 'eh Bucky at any minute.

A few days ago I was stopped by a really old guy asking the time and ended up having a really nice conversation about how he had visited Inverness once and that now he was a widower which he "don't like one little bit", he was really sweet! Sometimes you do get odd folk though, today I was stopped by a man who asked my age then told me he would pay for me to go for dinner, somewhere nice. I declined. Should have asked how much, some extra pocket money!
ALSO Swedish men really love red trousers. I don't think I've ever seen a Scot wearing red trousers, but here it seems to be the done thing. Shame a lot of them just look pink..

p.p.s this is Kevin's new puppy for those that I have excitedly told! I think it should be called Gurkan (cucumber).. or Smutsig (dirty) purely just because it's a cute sounding word in Swedish - Smooot-see

Also, theres a few pictures of last year etc on here, again with the shrek theme in the address.

Cheeerie bye!

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