Saturday, January 29, 2011

This week...

This has been an awesome week! Nothing really amazing has happened, it's just been a really easy going, sunny (but FREEZING) week :)
Earlier in the week I had to help out at an after school Cubs group, the oldest boy wasn't too happy having his au pair in class meeting all his friends! It was fun though, we were given games to play then score the groups...  the kids that did my games were given a lot more points that the others...

I haven't had to work too much, but tonight I'm babysitting the boys while the parents are off to a Scottish Dinner! They even wore Tartan things.. So tonight we're watching Harry Potter and eating sweets. Well, they're eating sweeets and I'm eating a chocolate sandwiches! It is the weekend after all..
Talking of food, last night I ate mussels for the first time. It was soooo good, and 2 weeks ago I was eating wild mushrooms... And I'm still alive! Mum, when I get home guess what we're having for dinner...

Yesterday I went and saw my last boss and her parents in the city. It was so nice to see them again, even though Anna was "not happy at all" that I was with an English family so I can't learn Swedish easily. I told her I'm taking the Intensive Swedish lessons from the 14th, so that made her happy! This week I'll have to practice my Swedish and go over notes from last year as Ive forgotten so much already. BUT I did watch an awesome Swedish film today, but with English subtitles. Getting a bit frustrated about how little Swedish I'm seeing or hearing daily... but when I take the lessons I will have to make the effort to speak it more in shops etc. Also, during the week met up for Fika with some au pairs which was nice. And since some of them have learnt Swedish I will be speaking it with them when I can! Even the fact I can't watch Swedish tv in the house really makes it difficult... but it IS nice to see Eastenders whenever I want.

Also, looking to do something fun this month since I can get time off if I ask in advance. So a boat trip (the party boats) to Finland is an option, but you have to be 23 which is a bit steep... Will have to find a way around that! And also look for some awesome gigs or something.... before the four bust weeks from the 14th!!!

Okay, all for now. Better go and make more pop corn..

Hej då!


  1. Fionaaa!
    It souns really awesome, I am pretty jealous haha.
    Enjoy your time in lovely Stockholm!
    And hopefully, see you soooon!
