Thursday, May 5, 2011

Address to a Haggis


 This was the highlight of my trip tae bonny Scotland. Ah, I only Yoke, of course it wasn't. The fish n chips were.

I brought a Haggis back, it's in the freezer as I write this. At first I was so excited to make it for people and show them how AWESOME it is, but then I started thinking that if they don't like it then I'll have to eat it all since I can't freeze it again.  And the problem is that I would eat it all, then want more, then cry for a week because I can't get any for months. So maybe Ill make a romantic dinner for myself, candles.. wine and a biiiig 'ol plate of Haggis, neeps n tatties! Mmmmmm.

Also, looked up Rabbie Burns' poem 'Address to a Haggis'. Don't hae a clue what that's aboot.

Was awesome to be home again, not having to worry about saying words "wrong" in my accent and be bullied for being ginger instead. I fully believe in karma, I've shared too many ginger jokes in my time. It should make me be a nicer person, but hey, then what would I do for fun? Have to be honest though, I was expecting better ones that "oooh... trying to be like your mum? Cause, well.... she has ginger hair too".


                                                  King Donald and his 19 lives.
If you want to hear a grown man talk extremely high pitched the way most women do around babies... just watch my father talking to Donald :)

 Now this is what a real hard worker is.

Took forever to get home from the airport, took 3 and a half hours just from the airport (usually one and a half tops), but my awesomely great family gave me the morning off. I tink (meant to be think but this sounds more gangstah) after 5 months they know now that tired or hungry Fio should be avoided at all costs. Everyone learns eventually.

This weeks been very Scotland in ways of the rain. And it SNOWED 2 days ago! In May. What??! Was warmer today so back to wearing shorts at the weekend hopefully. On Saturday me and Elle were the only ones in the entire city wearing shorts as it rained. In our defence it had been sunny when we left our houses... regretted our lack of clothing as soon as we were huddled on a par bench under a table cloth for warmth! No long johns for us, we're real men! Except not men.. but beautiful girls. Obviously.

Tomorrow we cycle to school for the first time. Three will leave the house, I honestly don't know how many will return.

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