Sunday, May 22, 2011


 Today I finally managed to go to Skansen and luckily it was a really nice day, full of sunshine, noisey kids and people taking pictures. We walked for hours and hours and didnt really realise how tired I was until I sat down to eat a massive burger (2nd best part of the day naturally).

Also passed Gröna Lund the theme park. I can't WAIT to go for my birthday, and as it's my 21st everyone will be forced to have fun and go on the rides!

A short Swede and their every day houses... 

 I was rediculously confused/excited about the big things of milk, but seriously, why were they there?! Think people thought it was a day out of excited, camera loving, special gingers. And it kinda was :)
 The next few awesome picttures were taken by Kevin and his awesome camera. Shame he didnt have a zoom.. everyone else did.

Monkeys! After walking for miles and taking hundreds of pictures we decided to take a hundred more but this time look at cute animals. There were monkeys, lemurs, crocodiles, fish, snakes, spiders and a lady with a  spray thing of water to keep the lemurs from going near people..

 Cool dude. 

 Compare de meeerkat dot com! Shoulda hidden one in my bag...

At the end of the animals place there was a stall thing with an open box with a giant Boa snake and another with a huge tarantula. All the kiddies could line up and touch them, and THIS is why I love Sweden. It's so laid back, for instance the crocodile cage thing, there was some glass about 1m high then a giant gap all around the top, with a sign telling us they could jump. But heeeey, whats the worst that could happen eh?

Then at the 'petting booth' all the wee kids were patting the giant snake and spider, as you do. At one point a baby was sitting on the desk and the snakes head (the lady in charge didnt notice) was sniffing/licking the babies hand, while the baby tried to grab the snakes head until the woman noticed and casually pushed the snakes head in another kids direction. Sweden is the a laid back surfer dude and everything is just cooooool man.

 Then there was glass blowing, she was so cool... didn't look like a glass blower at all. Think I was picturing an old, soot covered hairy man.

All in all and awesome day out! Tonight is a free festival in one of the mini parks in the city, so going to that with quite a few people. Hopefully we get some good places to see the people playing.

Also, back to Scotland 4th-18th. Yeah man!

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