Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Long sunny weekend

Heeeej there! Well this weekend was awesome, I had Thursday, Friday & Monday off as well as Sat&Sun and instead of sitting inside watching re-runs of The Office and eating cake I actually did loads...

On Thursday I met up with two Au pairs close to where I live, found our own tiny private beach (just a tiny bit of sand on some rocks) and sat there all day sunbathing. After 5 hours of sitting the in sun chatting and gossiping we went home, it was only when I got home and my 'Host mum' said "Oh my GOD what happened to your back????!" and that's when I realised I was burnty burnt burnt. So for the whole weekend Ive been told to use sunscreen and told that I'm going to get skin cancer. Really? Is burning your skin off not healthy? Huh... thanks for letting me know!! I DID use sunscreen..... just not all over...

That night we went to see The Hangover II and it was soo worth it! I liked it just as much as the first or maybe a little bit more. Some of it was... shocking though.

On Friday me and Sab took a train then a bus ride (about 40 mins all together) to the oldest town in Sweden, Sigtuna. Its not uncommon for me to walk around here going "ooooh it's so pretty" at everything I see, but there I was in "sooo pretty" overdrive. Everything was like a postcard, pictures cant show just how cute it all was... but I tried!

 We didn't realised that you could get there free on the travel cards, but we know that now! So I'm definately going to travel a lot more and make use of it, it gets boring in the city all the time.

 They had realy cool handmade signs on all the shops, very ye 'olde!

They also had "Rune Stones" everywhere, most of them hundreds of years old. Mainly dedicated to people but some said God related things but all written in symbols... strange indeeed.

On Saturday we went to the theme park Gröna Lund. It was AWESOME. Didnt get any pictures though, was too excited for the rollercoasters. I've only ever been to Blackpool when I was 12, so it'd been a long time since I was on a scary ride. My throat hurt from screaming so much on the big ones, the first one I didnt open my eyes the entire time... kinda useless! Also went on a ghost type one as well, since Sab was ahead of us I didnt get scared as I knew whenever a scary thing was gonna jump out as I was warned by her screaming :)

 Also was told by "the one who knows all" about a cool picture app for my phone. It's pretty snazzy...
FINALLY managed to convince Kevin to eat that damn Haggis. Was literally like I was asking him to eat his finger. So yes, finally a Swede has eaten a haggis although he only tried it by eating a tiny uncooked bit (stomach of steel) then decided to make a sauce of haggis, a tonne of spicey spices and cream. Okay, I admit, it tasted deviiiiine but would have tasted just as good on its own. Managed to demolish a family sized piece before have to share it anyway which was simply grand.

 Grilllin' the meat! 

This morning was weird starting "work", It felt like a long holiday! And it didnt make it easier that the kids were super tired and grumpy in the morning.... now have them alone for 2 nights and they have football late tonight so theyre gonna be MEGA grumpy! Just gonna make them behave by feeling them sweets and early beds!

Okay thats all for now folks. Petro, you will probably say soething about my spelling but I dont care! I don't wanna have to read all of my babbling... that's for you to waste your time with! See y'all soon!! 

Puss puss!

1 comment:

  1. I got mentioned. I didnt even realise there was spelling mistakes!:)
