Wednesday, June 15, 2011

21 and the streets flow with beer and loud music

I'm writing this blog as a babysit, surrounded by the sounds of toy gun fire and the screams of "he hasn't washed his hands!! DON'T WIPE POO ON ME!". Life is going to be so quiet in 10 days time :(

So I am officially 21 years old and not so sun burnt anymore! I think I matured over night and realised that a wee bit o' sunblock = no pain/lobster remarks.

For my birthday the family surprised me with a card and pressies in the morning, and after school we had cake and mini bottles of champagne!

They had printed a "Gillies Whiskey" card from Moon pig which was really funny. They drew inside as well, including "p.s Paulo still loves you!" who is an 11 year old kid that follows me around the playground asking me to marry him.... 

After a stressful bike ride full of near death experiences and angry car drivers horns being heard behind us, we arrived home to my birthday cake (which Katie had quickly baked while I went out the day before then hid in her room!) and two mini bottles of champagne, which I wont lie, had me a tad bit sozzled having only eating a few slices of cake all day. And chocolates. So much sugar...

Me and the boys. 

Actually looked okay even though I was a sweaty mess after having cycled at 20mph trying to keep the boys alive to them be told that it's picture time! Just before this was taken they both threw a football at the camera :) Never a quiet moment, gonna miss that!

THEN it was dinner time with Sab. I can safely say that it was the yummiest dinner ever... the fact that it was free made it taste even better as she had been given a "dinner out" voucher from her amazing au pair family!

The starter was Skagenrora, probably my favourite food ever. It was so good in fact that even though there was caviar on top I calming scraped it off my dish and managed to not run screaming from the table. See what I mean about maturing?! Although I have not actually looked closely at that picture as I don't wanna feel sick..

Next was beef, best steak Ive ever had. The words "amaaaaazing" were used repeatedly. The yellow stuff is bearnaise sauce. Simply deviiiine dahling.

Then last but not least was chocolate Crème brûlée with some kinda yummy biscuit thing. so so sooooo good! It was perfect, and definately worth more than what we paid for it ;) We decided to leave a small tip.... and Sab managed to give her 100kr (roughly £10) by accident. We managed to stop her asking for it back as Im pretty sure we'd have been chucked out by the angry waitress. Dont anger people who serve you food!

                                                          A hugging, drunk couple in Gamla Stan. I find it cute..

All in all a great birthday and now looking forward to the summer! Have work fo sho during the summer and hopefully for afterwards as well. Also have to improve my Swedish more as I complain that I cant speak it yet Im just too scared to... gotta bite the bullet really! Wish I could press a button and then BAM Im amazing. I'm avoiding my hairdresser right now as every time she keeps saying "next time we will ONLY speak Swedish!".

This is what the students do for graduation, or just after it. Basically large groups of drunk teens play loud music, dance, take off their clothes and throw beer at you, all while on the backs on huge trucks. Welcome to Sweden folks! Not jealous at all...

Regretting the fact I haven't taken many pictures of inside the house as now its pretty bare with everything mostly in boxes. And at the weekend my bed is being sold so I will be sleeping on a mattress, I dont mind though. After the "dog bed" that me and Nicky slept on which zara loving made up from random cushions and placed in the corner of her room .... a mattress doesn't seem too bad ;) Actually had the best nights sleep in that dog bed though. Huh.

These 6 months have past too fast. As Sabrina said "life goes faster each year you get older" and as the boys said ""21 is when your at your fittest, then you get worse". Happy Birthday to meeee!

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