Sunday, March 13, 2011

Today I tried two Swedish treats! One definately better than the other...
First was a bag of roasted almonds, cant remember the Swedish name. They smell AMAZING and taste good but basically just of sugar. I will there was someway to have scratch n sniff on a blog because they smell deviiine dahling.

 Second was a Simla bun. They look sooo yummy, the buns smells of cinnamon and then there is all the yummy cream and almond paste in the middle. Yeah, looks so good so it also must taste simply deviiine. Nej.
It do not at all. It smells weird.. I can't think of what it smells like maybe cheese. And the cream isn't cream tasting at all, it taste of nothing just cheeseyness again.
However, because this is me, even though I was complaining in my head (there was no one with me, if I was nice I wasn't gonna share it was I?!), I decided to power through and eat it anyway. And actually the middle bit isn't so bad if you eat the yucky cream and some of the almond paste together. The outside of it is awful though. I'm kinda sad now that it didn't live up to my expectations. Shoulda let it be a yummy thing that I could dream about eating...

I got the snicker doodle recipe though! Lets see how long until I give in to my craving at make a huge batch of them. 5, 4, 3, 2....

OOH and on Sundays they have a car boot sale type thing in the square and today I found two cute little pocket watches. One of them would be nice as a necklace thing, if I can fix it.

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