Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hey folks!
Not too much news for ya, apart from that I finally finished my four week course (and actually managed to learn so much!) AND, this is probably the most important, I won TWO games of monopoly in one week! Ahhh! That put me in a good mood for the rest of the week.

The last class was really cool as one of the most awesome people (he was originally from Scotland, obviously.) brought in looads of food and wine, then everyone else brought in things they had baked etc. I did bake shortbread but half was burnt, so rather than only bringing in a few okay bits.. I ate them. I brought in a big things of biscuits though! Not that mean..
One of the American guys make snicker-doodles, and oh my god they were amazing. I would eat them forever, so soooo good! I think he's gonna send me the recipe. I hope he doesn't otherwise my nights and any free time will be spent making them then seeing how many I can stuff into my mouth in one go. Ahhh that's the dream..

The weather has been awesome as well, the snow is melting!! So excited for the warm weather, will soon be complaining of the heat though, ya just can't win in my eyes.
Also, flights home bound are all booked. 15th-25th April, I can't wait! Will be awesome to see all the usual faces again and then to come back to no snow!

However since the snows melting thats means massive chunks of ice randomly fall off roofs, or they are cleared by special... snow...removing men? they even have their own whistle. So, very important people! I'm so scared Im gonna be walking along then get whacked on the noggin' by a chunk of ice. Not very interesting way to go...

OH and my week off was awesome. Didn't do very much but it was good, and nice to have break! Ate
ridiculous amount of pasta and tasty treats which is the trouble is your staying with a typical Swede with typical Swedes genes...
Pretty sunset in Gustavberg

Don't know what to do with myself now that Ive finished my course though. Would love to do another but the times wouldnt work with the family... so I'll just practice and then maybe in the summer. Oh and I have to practice for my Swedex exam in August ish time. Then I get a certificate saying I can speak/write/understand Swedish at a certain level and put it on my CV. Good times! Now gotta go job hunting for June.. eek

cheerio for noo

P.s For my little Dutch Buddy : Went to American cookies and bought a huuuge (very cheap!) muffin and it was YUMMY. I sat on the seat we sat on and pretended you were there as well. Eating a mooooooo-fin. People gave me weird looks, was totally worth it!

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