Monday, March 28, 2011


That's right, no snow! Every day it goes bit by bit, it's so exciting! It did snow last night and I had to ride my bike through a blizzard at 11pm... but it was all gone by lunch time today. So I was a happy bunny. I have not been so cheerful this week as I was getting really sick of it here. Just one of those weeks... at one point I got extremely angry because it was really windy outside so I couldn't walk fast. I think I even stamped my foot.. 

However, then I got paid and bought some pretty dresses and now all is well. Also have Thursday and Friday  afternoon off! Yey! So Thursday theres a meet up in an Irish bar and then Friday its party time! Gotta make the most of it, as the mum is away for two weeks after this, so will be as busy as a beee. Can't wait to get home soon as well. I really miss everything right now. I give it 20 minutes after I land that the complaining starts though...

So yeah, the past few weeks it's been a total love/hate thing with Sweden. I wish I hated it here... because it is so much easier to be home, so much easier to meet people, most of my friends are there, and most importantly drinks are £1. For some reason though, I know I have to stay. With all the bad for some reason I still now I wanna live here!

I definately don't want to be an au pair for much longer, and if this family leave in June I don't want to have to go through having to find a new family again etc. So I'm going to go around nurseries etc and plead for at least some volunteering work for now to build up my CV. Also gonna go to an Aussie/Scottish (yeah, I don't know why its those two) that is always looking for staff and maybe get a job there. House sitting for a family in July/August for a month, freeee house! I plan to have people over so that I don't get murdered alone in the house ;)

Also my Swedish is kinda "clicking". I can read so much more suddenly, I have no idea why because I go for days and don't hear any Swedish at all, but at least it's improving! Slooooowly but surely...

Gonna go to sleep now, busy day tomorrow. One bad thing about the snow melting is that there is now a place to play football outside.. I don't know why I pretended that I liked football. But apparently I'm improving, now I can kick the ball but not in a specific direction. It's all too technical for me.

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