Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wedding dresses and baby food.

It was a tropical 12c today! I don't think you realise just how warm that is to me. Especially since the family like their house to be really super hot. The snow is all gone now, and it's been mostly sunny all week which is always good! 

The mum is away all week, and back on Sunday, then away for another week. So it's me, the dad, and the 2 kids. Luckily she is super, super organised. She wrote out a schedule for what everyone is doing, even what she is doing away on buisness! And she emails to keep up updated on changes with the boys after school activities, what times to pick them up etc. Seriously, me and the dad totally rely on that piece of paper. Also means I have to cook dinner, which I don't mind at all, but they really just want pasta or pizza! So, I think I will make theirs then have something a bit healthier later on haha!

He also has to do a weeks shopping on Saturday. I will be surprised if he comes back with anything other than pizza or fish fingers. We don't really need much though... since the mum stocked up on EVERYTHING before the left. Ah I love how organised she is, I wouldn't survive without her plans!

On the Friday night me and a fellow Scot went to a student bar night and it was so cheap! Big bottles of strong cider for 40kr (£3.50) yes please! Especially since I once bought a beer for 99kr... what! It was a much better night than I expected, everyone was speaking English and everyone was really friendly and fun. Was such a good night. And it was really close to my house as well, so easy to get home. It's soo nice to be able to get back to my own bed which I couldn't do last year. So it turned out to be a fun night!

At the awesomely (the youngest boy I look after started saying "awesome", his mum is gonna blame me I tells ye... could be a heck of a lot worse though) cheeap party we were told of a pillow fight that was happing the next day in town. I feel a bit left out to be honest. Where did everyone organise this?! Well, no one I knew had heard about it, but still. It should be public knowledge! 

Anyway, I met Elle in town, she was as bright and perky as ever while I huddled over a cup of tea being a grumpy sod. The thought of anything hitting my head at that point was horrific as I was so "tired", seriously these kids must think I'm ill or something because I'm always so smelly, dirty and tired on a Saturday morning. So we watched from a safe distance, it was pretty funny seeing all the feathers flying from the pillows. Pretty glad I didnt use one of the family ones, wouldn't have been too happy..

After that, and eating a massive 'Mackers' we went to look at second hand shops and made the mistake of finding an amazing one with really cool and cheap (for Stockholm!) clothes. Elle was convinced she should buy the can can skirts.. I think it would have been perfect for picking up the kids.
In the same shop the had loads of wedding dresses as well. I was determined to buy them but couldnt spend 70 quid on a wedding dress. I really regret it now though. Just think of all the day to day things that would be made so much better. That boring trip to get groceries, the bus ride to drop the kids off at school, going to the bank. So, maybe I will just buy the vail. I can ride around on the bus wearing, and maybe crying, then I could make up a whole life story about how my husband left me for his cousin or some other Jeremy Kyle type scenario. Wow, au pair life makes you crazy.
Then that night we just ate good food, drank good wine.... while Elle ate baby food and playing with building blocks. Normal really.

I want to be driven around in this van! Arrive in true style.

Nothing much else has happened really. Had to get the dark dye out of my hair ready for highlights though, so for 2 days I have been ginger. And they say you do always end up being like your mum. Huh.. the fear of buzzing noises and big pills will be coming shortly.

As its just the 3 boys I didn't think they'd really notice my hair. I was wrong. The youngest's reaction was to stop dead in his tracks (he was playing football of course) and shout "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR?!". Then the dad said "Why would you DO that". Yeah, it was interesting. The youngest one keeps telling me he likes it, and I believe him, he's usually the first one to be brutally honest. BRUTALLY. Tomorrow getting it sorted though. No more orange hair! Hopefully...

Oh, and another thing that everyone seems to have over here is a massive trampoline in their garden. I never liked them that much, but you really do get addicted, especially once you learn a few tricks. It's so much fun, when everyone is out during the day I go out and bounce around for a while. Apparently my flip is "messy", but Im so freakin scared for breaking my neck I'm just happy I was able to do it! So now that the weather is getting nicer I will be going out on it as much as I can! Rather doing that than losing at Monopoly anyway. I can lose at "trampoline dodge ball" instead.

Anyhoo, seeee y'all soon :) Primark and Super Drug here I come! After getting the best Fish n Chips...

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