Friday, February 25, 2011

så trött på snö.....

The title is basically I'm tired of snow. I learnt that last week (don't know how I didn't learn it before) and its a pretty handy phrase. Slowly I'm being able to complain in two languages...
It hasn't snowed much since the major one that I put pictures up of a few weeks ago but it has been freeeakin' chilly! I have to take the kiddies to school at 8am, so to go downstairs and see the temp reading -18c is not the best way to start the day. It wouldn't be so bad if I had warm clothes, but I tend to not wear enough layers then just complain about how my heart feels like its frozen. I do wear gloves now... since a guy in my Swedish class told me how much damage you can do to your hands if you don't wear gloves...

 The fam go skiing in 2 days for a week though, so I hope it doesnt get too warm and ruin their time. BUT I don't want it to be so cold again, it was -3 this morning, and I'm not ashamed to let ya know that I did quite a dance when I saw it. It's basically tropical :)

I need to get more interesting pictures but right now I'm convinced that if anyone sees my camera they will swipe it. Seriously, I take a picture when no ones around then zip it away.... you cannae be too careful in the Ghetto.

Friday, February 18, 2011

stressful week overr

1st week of Swedish classes are over! 3 more to go... Been a weird week, lots of rubbish things happening, then good things out of the blue. First class was scary, I thought Id be completely lost and confused like the last class I took over a year ago. I was pleasantly surprised though, there was no need to worry as I understand everything she says and what she's teaching... kinda important to understand the teacher when you're learning a new language...

On the first day we had to talk about ourself, and since I was nervous, when she asked why I was in Sweden I said because I love the language and the pretty men. They found it funny... then I find out that our new topic would be about internet dating. Yep, so I understood a lot of jokes at my expense on Monday! And today I actually said that last week I was at a "men party"... I don't know what they think I get up to.

It's so tiring though, I never thought about what "intensive" would really mean... why is it so full on?! There is a lot of studying to do, so this week Ive been waking up, taking the kids to school, coming home, studying for an hour, cleaning the house, going to school, rushing back to pick up the kids, finish work, study, sleep. Eugh.
And today as it was the weekend the teacher just gave us a page or two of homework, which we were all happy about, until one guy forced her to give us more because he wanted it... why didnt he just do it himself?! He didnt seem to see the hatred in our eyes...

The family go away for a week from the 27th though, so if Im home alone during the week Ill try and go to the gym or something. Or else Ill be sitting in a corner with a weapon incase we get burgled... eugh, not thinking about that yet though.

The sick kid is a lot better now which is good. Poor wee 'uns been sick for 10 days now, he's brighter today though and already driving me mad. Good sign I guess.

Oh and last week I was with the younger one most of the time as the other was ill, and most of the time I was being told a list of the words I don't say properly. He doesn't want to hear that English and Scottish accents are different. So now Im watching out for any words I say in a funny way! "Poor you" is also hillaaarious when I say it. Ah fun times.

will try and get cool pics soon but tbh it's all just snow. -13 today! eeeeugh.

later gater!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Come on spring time...

For the last few weeks the snow has been slowly melting and you could see grass everywhere! It was so exciting. Then on Friday morning I woke up to this!

I had to take the kid to school, so at 8am we went out. It was HORRIBLE. It was a full on blizzard, and as the roads hadn't been cleared yet we had to walk through mid thigh deep snow to get to the bus stop. I actually thought the kid would disappear in the snow.. Then we wait for like 20 minutes to be told there are no buses. I didn't like being stuck inside though...

The youngest was having a Harry Potter party, so there were lots of preperations for it and I was veeery impressed with the cake the grandma made! Its the Sorting hat....
doesn't look like much...


So now the next week is gonna consist of eating all the left over treats... I <3 party food. Mmmmmm diabetes. Oh and there was a magician who arrived to entertain the kiddies.. and us. 

I was chosen to be the beautiful assistant. Obviously. I had to put my hand in a guillotine and hope that he knew his magic... However  feeling slightly fragile today, 16 screaming kids was not the best remedy. So I decided to be helpful by eating cake in the kitchen, saving everyone else in the house from getting fat. Eugh the things I do for people. 

I start my Swedish classes tomorrow, so I'm hoping there wont be any more snow to make it an even harder journey. I will have to run from the class then get onto 2 trains and a bus to get from class to pick up the kids. Graaand. Only four weeks though, then I will be basically Swedish ;)

I miss Scotland today.

Not exactly BBQ season yet...

Peace out homiez.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's the little things in life...

Today was a nice day, but went so fast!
I took the kids to school then went to Värmdö for the day, Iäd mentioned to my "host mum" that I would be out all day but she thought I was coming home first. So she texted me to see if I was okay. It was so sweet, I felt loved =) Whhhhhhy are they leaving?! 

She also gave me the whole afternoon off which was awesome. Now, however, one of the kids is ill. It's my worst fear.. I'm so bad with sick kids. Or just people in general. I remember the two wee boys I looked after last year would always cough in my face. Eugh. And when theey're sick I tend to just pat them on the head to avoid close contact.... and breathe far away from them...... Yeah, I am perfect au pair material really. And definately mother material later in life. 

Also, I woke up to an email from an American woman in New York wanting an au pair (in New York though, so obviously a no go), who would pay me $2,500 for a month and $300 for weekends working. How ridiculous is that?! Was so cool thinking of getting that much dollah. Yeah, until someone said "that's stupid, it's obviously a con" then went on about how it couldn't be true for about 5 minutes. But whatever, they are jealous. It IS true. Don't ruin my daydreamin' man.

I was also made seafood lasagne. I hope I die eating that lasagne, I'd die a happy girl! Ah it's so good. I'm planning to make it for the family, it can't go wrong really. Well, they could all get food 
poisoning... but that's just a small chance.

So, I just got home and the grandparents are over from the Uk for a while as theres a birthday party on the Sunday for the youngest. Harry Potter Theme! I even got an invite to it =) Woulda been pretty rubbish if I was banned from a party thats happening in the same house... So hopefully they won't be ill come the weekend or they'll miss out! And even if I am staying far away and have a mask on my face to keep away the sickness (oh so much bad karma is coming my way) I'd still feel awful for the poor wee things! 

So fingers crossed for a healthy weekend ;)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Since I arrived here I have not won any boardgames or any other "fun activities". Seriously, none. I'm always so close, begin getting very cocky then BAM I'm losing and close to tears.
Today I was finally winning (yes, against a 6 year old) until his big brother helped him. I was so close to throwing  a tantrum.

BUT I couldn't because today I broke the toilet seat and veeery nearly put the ironing board through the flat screen tv. OH and while hoovering up hairs in the bath tub I nearly killed the hoover by sucking up water.
So, only one bad thing per day...

I've heard way too many fat jokes today. "sweet and petite" indeed.

Sunshine and slushyness

Today was so pretty and sunny even though the morning was horrible, grey and just yucky. Went out and took loads of pictures :)
A month in and still such a tourist..

I have to get more pictures of people... but I never remember to take them! So I rely on out people and their cameras for the more.... memorable pictures.


Saturday, February 5, 2011


Sooo, I finally found my password for here! I need to write things down more...

This week was pretty busy but I still can't believe that it's the weekend already! jeeez where is the time going?! The mum was away this week working in Istanbul, so I was alone with the kids and the dad. It was made a lot easier since she is always super organised and writes me notes telling me everything I need to do and at what time! It's awesome, I don't have to worry about trying to remember anything..

Also, since the kids do a lot of after school activities I usually don't have to pick them up until 4.30/5, then just taken them home and be finished by 6 or half past. So easy! And then I have loads of time to wander around the city. I'm making the most of being able to get there so easily!

Today I'm feeling pretty crappy and I'm hoping I don't have toncillitus again... since I first moved to Sweden just over a year ago (on and off) I've had it badly at least 8 times. Sweden, I love you, why are you always making me sick?! I'm 100% sure it's not because I insist on going out in -4 conditions for no less that 2 hours dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and a jacket. With no hat, gloves or scarf. Nope, it's this country just making me ill for the hell of it.

Also, probably shouldn't have gone out last night... but I had my eucalyptus throat sweeties to keep the sickness away. I tasted like a Koala bear by the end of the night. Was such a good night, and everyone loved my constant complaining about Swedish pricing... Went and heard some karaoke which is reeally popular for everyone to do here. I've escaped having to do it so far, so people's ears are safe.

Probably won't be out again for a while as next week I start my Swedish course, and I have to save money as in March nearly all my good friends have birthdays! There will be a lot of present made from macaroni and glue.

So today I spent a lot of time in bed watching Criminal Minds (I will soon be analyzing everyone's actions and suspecting them of murder. It passes the time.) and eating Marobou chocolate. AKA the best thing to come from Sweden. AND it's pretty cheap! Theres so many flavours as well... fruit&nut, Daim, cookies and cream (basically chocolate filled with yummy mush) and so many others, for Christmas they brought out a special white chocolate edition. It breaks my heart that I never got to taste it.
Yeah... Sweden likes its chocolate and sweeties, it's not fair that they can enjoying them all because of their good genes! Hasn't stopped me though..
Doesn't help that the family have lots of yummy treats! I made broccoli and cauliflower soup to eat instead, looked awful but tasted good. The mum put it in the bin thinking it was mouldy carrot soup..

OH and the snow is melting! All week it was above 0, and now you can see grass everywhere instead of slush! Well.. theres still a lot of slush. Too much slush... but it's on it's way out! And I'm noticing the days getting lighter everyday, ah I'm so excited for the warm weather :)

Will try and get pictures up!