Saturday, February 5, 2011


Sooo, I finally found my password for here! I need to write things down more...

This week was pretty busy but I still can't believe that it's the weekend already! jeeez where is the time going?! The mum was away this week working in Istanbul, so I was alone with the kids and the dad. It was made a lot easier since she is always super organised and writes me notes telling me everything I need to do and at what time! It's awesome, I don't have to worry about trying to remember anything..

Also, since the kids do a lot of after school activities I usually don't have to pick them up until 4.30/5, then just taken them home and be finished by 6 or half past. So easy! And then I have loads of time to wander around the city. I'm making the most of being able to get there so easily!

Today I'm feeling pretty crappy and I'm hoping I don't have toncillitus again... since I first moved to Sweden just over a year ago (on and off) I've had it badly at least 8 times. Sweden, I love you, why are you always making me sick?! I'm 100% sure it's not because I insist on going out in -4 conditions for no less that 2 hours dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and a jacket. With no hat, gloves or scarf. Nope, it's this country just making me ill for the hell of it.

Also, probably shouldn't have gone out last night... but I had my eucalyptus throat sweeties to keep the sickness away. I tasted like a Koala bear by the end of the night. Was such a good night, and everyone loved my constant complaining about Swedish pricing... Went and heard some karaoke which is reeally popular for everyone to do here. I've escaped having to do it so far, so people's ears are safe.

Probably won't be out again for a while as next week I start my Swedish course, and I have to save money as in March nearly all my good friends have birthdays! There will be a lot of present made from macaroni and glue.

So today I spent a lot of time in bed watching Criminal Minds (I will soon be analyzing everyone's actions and suspecting them of murder. It passes the time.) and eating Marobou chocolate. AKA the best thing to come from Sweden. AND it's pretty cheap! Theres so many flavours as well... fruit&nut, Daim, cookies and cream (basically chocolate filled with yummy mush) and so many others, for Christmas they brought out a special white chocolate edition. It breaks my heart that I never got to taste it.
Yeah... Sweden likes its chocolate and sweeties, it's not fair that they can enjoying them all because of their good genes! Hasn't stopped me though..
Doesn't help that the family have lots of yummy treats! I made broccoli and cauliflower soup to eat instead, looked awful but tasted good. The mum put it in the bin thinking it was mouldy carrot soup..

OH and the snow is melting! All week it was above 0, and now you can see grass everywhere instead of slush! Well.. theres still a lot of slush. Too much slush... but it's on it's way out! And I'm noticing the days getting lighter everyday, ah I'm so excited for the warm weather :)

Will try and get pictures up!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds really amazing! :)
    Enjoy your time in lovely Stockholm! xxx
