Sunday, February 13, 2011

Come on spring time...

For the last few weeks the snow has been slowly melting and you could see grass everywhere! It was so exciting. Then on Friday morning I woke up to this!

I had to take the kid to school, so at 8am we went out. It was HORRIBLE. It was a full on blizzard, and as the roads hadn't been cleared yet we had to walk through mid thigh deep snow to get to the bus stop. I actually thought the kid would disappear in the snow.. Then we wait for like 20 minutes to be told there are no buses. I didn't like being stuck inside though...

The youngest was having a Harry Potter party, so there were lots of preperations for it and I was veeery impressed with the cake the grandma made! Its the Sorting hat....
doesn't look like much...


So now the next week is gonna consist of eating all the left over treats... I <3 party food. Mmmmmm diabetes. Oh and there was a magician who arrived to entertain the kiddies.. and us. 

I was chosen to be the beautiful assistant. Obviously. I had to put my hand in a guillotine and hope that he knew his magic... However  feeling slightly fragile today, 16 screaming kids was not the best remedy. So I decided to be helpful by eating cake in the kitchen, saving everyone else in the house from getting fat. Eugh the things I do for people. 

I start my Swedish classes tomorrow, so I'm hoping there wont be any more snow to make it an even harder journey. I will have to run from the class then get onto 2 trains and a bus to get from class to pick up the kids. Graaand. Only four weeks though, then I will be basically Swedish ;)

I miss Scotland today.

Not exactly BBQ season yet...

Peace out homiez.

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