Friday, February 18, 2011

stressful week overr

1st week of Swedish classes are over! 3 more to go... Been a weird week, lots of rubbish things happening, then good things out of the blue. First class was scary, I thought Id be completely lost and confused like the last class I took over a year ago. I was pleasantly surprised though, there was no need to worry as I understand everything she says and what she's teaching... kinda important to understand the teacher when you're learning a new language...

On the first day we had to talk about ourself, and since I was nervous, when she asked why I was in Sweden I said because I love the language and the pretty men. They found it funny... then I find out that our new topic would be about internet dating. Yep, so I understood a lot of jokes at my expense on Monday! And today I actually said that last week I was at a "men party"... I don't know what they think I get up to.

It's so tiring though, I never thought about what "intensive" would really mean... why is it so full on?! There is a lot of studying to do, so this week Ive been waking up, taking the kids to school, coming home, studying for an hour, cleaning the house, going to school, rushing back to pick up the kids, finish work, study, sleep. Eugh.
And today as it was the weekend the teacher just gave us a page or two of homework, which we were all happy about, until one guy forced her to give us more because he wanted it... why didnt he just do it himself?! He didnt seem to see the hatred in our eyes...

The family go away for a week from the 27th though, so if Im home alone during the week Ill try and go to the gym or something. Or else Ill be sitting in a corner with a weapon incase we get burgled... eugh, not thinking about that yet though.

The sick kid is a lot better now which is good. Poor wee 'uns been sick for 10 days now, he's brighter today though and already driving me mad. Good sign I guess.

Oh and last week I was with the younger one most of the time as the other was ill, and most of the time I was being told a list of the words I don't say properly. He doesn't want to hear that English and Scottish accents are different. So now Im watching out for any words I say in a funny way! "Poor you" is also hillaaarious when I say it. Ah fun times.

will try and get cool pics soon but tbh it's all just snow. -13 today! eeeeugh.

later gater!

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